9 exit interview questions for an improved culture
9 exit interview questions for an improved culture
Your workplace culture is one of your business’s most important assets.
Time and again studies tell us that a better culture will get us better profitability. Striving for good culture is not just about doing the right thing; it’s the smarter way to achieve your business goals.
Investing time and money into creating a healthy and effective working culture is phase one. Maintaining it is another thing entirely! Completing exit interviews with outgoing team members is a great way to monitor morale and recognise leadership gaps.
What to ask at an Exit Interview:
Why are you leaving your current role?
Were you actively looking for a new role?
How would you describe your relationship with your manager?
What did you like most about your role?
What did you dislike most about your role?
Did you have the tools and support to do the job well?
What factors lead to your resignation?
Do you feel your Job Description changed over time?
What can the business improve on?
Treat the conversation as confidential but utilise the insights for planning.
Use the insights gained to improve your recruitment, induction, training and performance management processes. Maybe you’ve identified that a manager (and therefore the team) would benefit from some training and development. Frame this positively as investing in your key people.
Review your resourcing needs. Does the Job Description truly reflect the job? Are leader bottlenecks causing frustration? Maybe it’s time to review your Org. Chart… what can be delegated to empower the growth (and loyalty) of your people?
If culture is called into question, plan how to get it back on track beyond the above improvement opportunities. Perhaps a team appreciation session is needed (think a party or day spa). It might be time to review your business’s Core Values.
Regardless of awesome culture and strategy, employees will still leave.
But, let’s be frank. Departing employees are more likely to give an honest perspective (with or without a one finger salute) than current employees... and, an exit interview is a great opportunity to close out a relationship in a positive way.
There will always be outlier comments, bad apples, and lows in business - it can’t all be roses! It’s your job as leader to wear them well, own the feedback you get and use it for good.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Peter Drucker